The world is facing unprecedented environmental challenges, including climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and unsustainable consumption and production patterns. These issues have far-reaching consequences for current and future generations. Young people, with their unparalleled passion, creativity, and commitment to a sustainable future, have emerged as driving forces in the global environmental movement. From leading grassroots initiatives to advocating for policy reforms, they have demonstrated their capabilities to inspire action and drive positive change. Yet, their perspectives and solutions are frequently overlooked or marginalized in decision-making processes, hindering their ability to shape the environmental policies that will determine their future.
The Youth Forum on the Future of the Environment, supported by the UN Environment Programme, GO4SDGs, in collaboration with UNICEF, ILO, and the Governments of Oman and Hungary, is a groundbreaking initiative that aims to bridge this gap and amplify the voices of young environmental leaders from around the world aligned with the spirit and momentum of the United Nations Summit of the Future to advance advocacy of youth and future generations to achieve intergenerational justice and equity through reinvigorated environmental multilateralism for a better and sustainable future. Building on the outcomes of the Global Youth Environment Assembly 2024 and the Global Youth Declaration on Environment, this youth forum will serve as a catalyst for meaningful youth engagement, empowering young people to actively shape policies, drive innovation, and influence decision-making processes that impact their future and the future of our planet.
Primary Focus Areas:​
Jobs of the Future: Exploring emerging opportunities in the green economy, promoting entrepreneurship, and identifying the skills and training required to thrive in environmentally conscious careers in line with the goals and targets of the ‘Green Jobs for Youth Pact’
Science Policy Interface: Bridging the gap between scientific research and policy-making through the promotion of strategic foresight for transformative actions by foresighting future challenges and its ramifications in fostering collaboration between youth, scientists, and policymakers to ensure evidence-based, future-proof governance, and future-oriented environmental decision-making.
​Intergenerational Collaboration for Upholding the Right to a Clean, Healthy, and Sustainable Environment: Promoting meaningful collaboration between generations to empower youth in safeguarding the right to a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment through intergenerational dialogue, where youth perspectives are valued and integrated into decision-making processes.​
Venue and Logistics
We are excited to announce that the 2024 Youth Forum on the Future of the Environment will be held at the Estonia House, located at 243 East 34th Street, New York. Estonia House, a historical gem on Manhattan’s East Side, boasts a rich heritage and has been an integral part of the area's cultural evolution. The venue is renowned for its architectural significance, with a beautifully preserved interior that remains largely unchanged since its construction, making it one of New York City's architectural treasures.

Detailed program can be found HERE.
Meet the Speakers

Further Resources
Representatives of CYMG are actively contributing to the consultations leading up to the Summit of the Future. As part of our commitment to ensuring that young voices are heard in global decision-making impacting the environment, CYMG representatives have presented the following interventions:
Intervention at the Stakeholder Consultation on the Revised Draft Pact for the Future (30 May 2024)
Intervention at the Stakeholder Consultation on the Revised Draft Declaration on Future Generations (12 June 2024)
These interventions reflect our dedication to shaping a future that is inclusive, sustainable, and reflective of the aspirations of future generations.​
For more information, please contact:
​Olga Skaredina, Science-Policy Focal Point and
Hino Samuel Jose, Green Economy and Resources Focal Point