Youth and Stakeholder Assembly on Plastic Pollution
24 November 2024 | Dongseo University Centum Campus, Busan, Republic of Korea
Over the course of four previous sessions since late 2022, the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC) has engaged in extensive discussions on the key elements and legal provisions of the proposed plastics treaty. Now, the fifth session of INC (INC-5) is poised to be the final decisive meeting, aimed at culminating these intergovernmental negotiations.
The Stakeholder Community, also known as Major Groups and Stakeholders, has played a pivotal role in the Resumed Fifth Session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2), contributing significantly to the successful adoption of resolution 5/14. However, the INC process has posed considerable challenges for these groups. Unlike UNEA’s structured engagement mechanism, the INC process initially lacked a formal platform for the diverse voices of civil society. Despite this, Youth, Women, Indigenous Peoples, Scientists, Businesses, Local Authorities, and other stakeholders have remained actively engaged, persistently advocating for their priorities to be reflected in the treaty texts.
In anticipation of the pivotal INC-5 in Busan, a Youth and Stakeholder Assembly on Plastic Pollution is proposed to take place prior to the final negotiations. This strategic gathering seeks to unify the voices of youth and various stakeholders, providing a platform to refine and advance advocacy efforts. The objective is to formulate a cohesive policy stance that amplifies the demands and expectations of youth and stakeholders alike, drawing on the successes of initiatives such as the Global Youth Environment Assembly and the Global Youth Declaration on the Environment 2024.​
Draft Programme
09:15 - 09:30 | Pre-Assembly Brief Scene-Setting: Overview of the YSA
09:30 - 10:30 | High-Level Opening Plenary: Multilateralism for a plastic pollution-free future ​
> Speakers:
Inger Andersen, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director, UNEP
Kim Jeongseon, Vice President of Dongseo University
H.E. Luis Vayas Valdivieso - TBC*, Chair of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution and Ambassador of Ecuador to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Jeff Merkley, United States Senator
Dr. Young Woo Park, EcoNow Board Member
Zuhair Ahmed Kowshik, Global Coordinator, Children and Youth Major Group (CYMG)
Moderator: Olga Skaredina, Science-Policy Focal Point, Children and Youth Major Group (CYMG)
10:45 - 11:30 | Mechanisms for Effective Stakeholder Engagement in Future Plastics Treaty
> Speakers:​
Dharmesh Shah, ​Center for International Environmental Law
Dalia Marquez, UNEP Women's Major Group
Alexandra Harrington, International Union for Conservation of Nature
Prem Singh Tharu, Indigenous Peoples and their Communities Major Group
Moderators: Janna Radi Mohamed, Chemicals, Waste & Pollution Focal Point, CYMG and Shellan Saling, Member of Plastic Action Expert Facilitation Team, CYMG
11:30 - 12:20 | Just Transition, Green Jobs and Upskilling ​
> Speakers:​
Paula Pariz, Fundación Avina
Jeet Kar, World Economic Forum
John Chweya, International Alliance of Waste Pickers
Carlos Filho, International Solid Waste Association
Nancy Marangu, Chemichemi foundation
Moderators: Axel Darut and Madhuvanthi Rajkumar, Plastic Action Co-Focal Points, CYMG​
13:00 - 13:50 | Science-Policy-People Interface ​​​​​
> Speakers:​
Patricia Villarrubia, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Natalia Grilli, Scientists' Coalition for an Effective Plastics Treaty
Rufino Varea, Fiji Delegation
Moderator: Babet De Groot, University of Wollongong
13:50 - 14:40 | Accountability Mechanisms for Effective Implementation of the Plastics Treaty: A Focus on National Plans and Just Financing ​​​​
> Speakers:​
Janne Van Eerten, Ocean Cleanup
António Miguel Luís, Government of Portugal
Antaya March, University of Portsmouth
Eli Marie Hindahl, Global Environment Facility
Moderators: Mario Galbert, Interim Co-Chair, Ocean Science and Governance Youth Network and Koeun Lee, Green Growth Knowledge Partnership
16:00 - 16:45 | Synthesis Report Back, Validation and Closing Remarks
Venue and Logistics
We are pleased to announce that the Youth and Stakeholder Assembly on Plastic Pollution 2024 will be held at the Convention Centre of Dongseo University's Centum Campus. Located in the Haeundae area of Busan, at the heart of the city’s film and media district, the campus is surrounded by vibrant cultural attractions, including the city’s most popular beach and the world’s largest department store.
The 18-storey campus complex, which includes two basement levels, offers state-of-the-art facilities such as modern classrooms, studios, laboratories, and musical auditoriums, including the renowned Sohyang Art Hall. The campus is also home to DSU’s Im Kwon Taek College of Film and Media Arts and the Im Kwon Taek Film Museum, making it an ideal venue for this significant event.

For more information, please contact:
Zuhair Ahmed Kowshik and Gyubin Hwang
Global Coordinators